Longmynd Batch Burner mountain bike challenge

Tomorrow (June 10th) sees the annual www.facebook.com/LongmyndBatchBurner, mountain bike challenge. Now in its tenth year and endorsed by British Cycling, the 450 participants who’ve signed up for the 2023 event will undertake a 40K route over the Shropshire hills, starting and finishing at Norbury Village Hall. 2022’s Batch Burner raised £12k vital funding for Norbury Primary School and Nursery, and Stiperstones CE Primary School, enabling the 110 pupils to be taken on residential trips and outdoor activities every term. SWS Broadband is supporting the event by providing technology to expand the broadband and wi-fi connection across the wider site, for example, to help run the bar.

For more information go to https://batchburner.org.uk/

Left to right (the organising team) Laura Betton, Bethan Sumpter, Nesta Hill, Rachel Corner, SWS Broadband, Aimee Rutter and Rachel Ellen.

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